+32 487 84 65 40 info@nansenrefugee.be

A pitiful anniversary: the (non)reception of asylum seekers

As more and more of us are saying it sharply: denying reception to those seeking international protection constitutes a serious violation of their human dignity. It does them a profound injustice. It jeopardizes their effective access to asylum. It is a sign of...

Congolese women victims of sexual violence (DRC)

Here, NANSEN analyses two individual situations which have in common that they concern Congolese women, victims of sexual violence constituting torture in their country of origin. In both cases, psychological reports were filed, attesting to the applicants’...

Women victims of discrimination and asylum procedure

Here, NANSEN presents its findings on the position of women in need of international protection: the needs of victims of torture, gender-based violence, gang violence and honour crimes are addressed.    The United Nations Committee responsible for monitoring the...