+32 487 84 65 40 info@nansenrefugee.be

Determining refugee status is one of the most complex legal problems there is. To understand the complexity of each individual situation, it is essential to combine the law with other areas of expertise. For example, psychology is needed to measure the impact of trauma on memory, and linguistics to measure the impact of interpretation and language skills. In our day-to-day work supporting all those involved in the asylum procedure, we at NANSEN see many examples of CROISEMENT between disciplines. In our view, a high-quality asylum procedure therefore includes a truly interdisciplinary approach to the processing of applications for international protection. We are delighted to be able to count on the support of Innoviris for the implementation of our project entitled “For an interdisciplinary approach to asylum”, which involves testing two hypotheses. One concerns the possibility of promoting an interdisciplinary approach to asylum among those involved in the procedure (lawyers and authorities). The other concerns the possibility of bringing together those working in the field of refugee law and those involved in academic research into the study of forced migration. Until June 2025, the aim is to carry out activities dedicated to decompartmentalising expertise and theory and practice, with a view to having a direct positive impact on people’s fundamental rights. Since its creation, NANSEN has implemented an interdisciplinary approach to asylum in all its activities and promotes an interdisciplinary approach in the processing of all applications for international protection; this is a deliberate working method that is applied as systematically as possible. We contribute to the development of knowledge on asylum beyond purely legal issues in order to :

  • cross disciplines and expertise,
  • fuel scientific research,
  • provide practitioners with tools.

NANSEN links the academic world and asylum professionals to have a positive impact on access to international protection. We facilitate the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of information. Do not hesitate to contact us! Contact person for this project: Hania OUHNAOUI, houhnaoui@nansenrefugee.be  +32487846540