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Here, NANSEN analyses two individual situations which have in common that they concern Congolese women, victims of sexual violence constituting torture in their country of origin. In both cases, psychological reports were filed, attesting to the applicants’ vulnerability. However, the context in which the sexual violence was inflicted varies (sexual violence within family or violence inflicted by unidentified armed men). 


Several aspects of these women’s legal position are addressed here: gender-based violence constituting persecution, sexual violence constituting torture, special procedural needs of victims of sexual violence, past persecution, reversal of the burden of proof, ongoing persecution and heightened fear in the event of return. 


We present here the arguments developed in support of their need for international protection. These arguments were developed in the context of two interventions filed by NANSEN before the CGRS on behalf of women who have since been recognised as refugees. 

Read more here: NANSEN Profile 2022-3: Congolese women victims of sexual violence (DRC) 

See also NANSEN Profile 2020-4 (in French)