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In this Note, NANSEN analyses the CGRS’ assessment of the need for protection of people fleeing Afghanistan, and the risks involved in their return. 


The first part of the note focuses on the CGRS’ examination of Afghan cases. It covers the strict interpretation by CGRS of the obligation to cooperate, the right to be heard, and the resources available to gather relevant evidence, including that necessary to support the application for international protection. The assessment of Afghan applicants’ need for protection is clearly not based on accurate, up-to-date information from a variety of sources. 


The second part of the note focuses on the risks associated with returning to Afghanistan. The risk groups identified by UNHCR and the European Asylum Agency (EUAA) should be fully idered. In addition, there are serious reasons to believe that the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islamic values and norms constitutes a risk for people with no recent experience of living under this regime. According to NANSEN, there are also serious reasons to believe that there is a real risk of suffering serious harm due to the precarious humanitarian situation. 

 Read here NANSEN Note 2022/03 Afghanistan: An analysis of protection policies and risks upon return (in Dutch)